arbeite mit uns zusammen

Werde Teil der AI-, Workflow- und Kollaborationsplattform für zukunftssichere Reparaturprofis

Wo alles begann

Unsere Geschichte & Herkunft

Lassen wir kurz durch die Zeit reisen: Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, irgendwo in der Mitte Deutschlands – der Großvater des Mitbegründers & CEO baute mit seinen eigenen Händen und den einfachsten Mitteln sein eigenes Haus für seine Familie. Hier kann nicht von Überfluss die Rede sein – Dinge zu schätzen und zu pflegen, anstatt sie wegzuwerfen, ist die Denkweise, sowie alles in gutem Zustand als Vorsichtsmaßnahme zu halten, zu reparieren oder anderweitig zu verwenden. Etwas Neues zu kaufen, ist keine Option.

Wenn du mit dieser Denkweise aufwächst, betrachtest du Produkte aus einer anderen Perspektive. Heutzutage ist alles im Überfluss vorhanden. Oft ist es einfach bequemer, etwas Neues zu kaufen statt sich durch den Kundenservice zu quälen, der in der Regel zu teuer oder schlecht erreichbar ist.

Die Idee von FixFirst ist es, die Denkweise weiter zu etablieren – Produkte länger zu nutzen und Reparaturen zu erwägen – und sie auf einer digitalen Plattform abzubilden, die Lösungen rund um diese Denkweise bietet. Deshalb haben wir FixFirst geschaffen.

How it works

Register & make your profile visible

After completing the registration form, we will verify your profile and it will become online from April 1st.

Optionally, you can list your services online so they can be booked.

Get voucher customers & do repair

People will walk into your shop with a QR code that only needs scanning to be verified. The repair follows.

Optionally you can use the full software including ai for estimates & more.

Claim final invoices & get paid easily

Customers pay the reduced amount with any payment method. You claim the remaining amount through us.

Once your bank account is connected, the payout will be on its way.

Unser Team

Von Veränderung angetrieben

Wir sind ein Berliner Impact- und Tech-Startup, das darauf abzielt, die Transformation hin zu einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu beschleunigen. Um dies zu erreichen, digitalisiert und vereinfacht unser Team Kreislaufdienstleistungen und -prozesse mit ihrer selbst entwickelten Softwareplattform – beginnend mit Reparatur und Wartung im Elektroniksektor.

bekannt aus

Lern uns kennen


Fehlerdiagnose & Tipps für alle Marken & Produkte, Möglichkeit mit eigenen Daten zu trainieren


individuelle Antworten sofortige Kostenvoranschläge mit deinen eigenen Preisen & Angeboten

3. Free Marketing & Exposure

Free advertisement from The Restart Project and its partners. Customers searching for repair services will find your business easily.

4. Build the Reputation of Your Business

Being part of an official repair scheme enhances credibility and trust. More satisfied customers can lead to positive reviews and repeat business - even after the voucher trial has ended.

5. No Upfront Costs & Full Support

The scheme is fully funded by North London Waste Authority. The Restart Project provides guidance on how to use the system effectively. Opt out at any time, with no commitment.

6. Full Control Over Services

You have the right to refuse service for any repair that doesn’t fit your business model. You decide which repairs to accept, ensuring it works for you.

7. Aligns with Sustainability & Repair Advocacy

Encourages a repair culture, reducing electronic waste. Shows your business’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is the repair voucher scheme and why should I participate?

What is the repair voucher scheme and why should I participate?

What is the repair voucher scheme and why should I participate?

What items are eligible under the voucher scheme?

What items are eligible under the voucher scheme?

What items are eligible under the voucher scheme?

Which businesses can sign up to the scheme?

Which businesses can sign up to the scheme?

Which businesses can sign up to the scheme?

What do I need to do to sign up to the repair voucher scheme?

What do I need to do to sign up to the repair voucher scheme?

What do I need to do to sign up to the repair voucher scheme?

What happens after my application has been approved?

What happens after my application has been approved?

What happens after my application has been approved?

How does the scheme work?

How does the scheme work?

How does the scheme work?

As a participating business, what do I do during the trial?

As a participating business, what do I do during the trial?

As a participating business, what do I do during the trial?

How long is a voucher valid for?

How long is a voucher valid for?

How long is a voucher valid for?

How do I invoice for payment?

How do I invoice for payment?

How do I invoice for payment?

How soon will I receive payment after I’ve submitted my invoice?

How soon will I receive payment after I’ve submitted my invoice?

How soon will I receive payment after I’ve submitted my invoice?

How can I tell if a voucher is genuine or not?

How can I tell if a voucher is genuine or not?

How can I tell if a voucher is genuine or not?

How we use your data?

How we use your data?

How we use your data?

How will this benefit my repair business?

How will this benefit my repair business?

How will this benefit my repair business?

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